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UT HB132: Do the legislators even understand what is happening with minor transgender healthcare?

Brianna Cluck

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

Recently Utah house bill HB132 was introduced to the legislature. This bill, "Prohibiting Sex Transitioning Procedures On Minors" is an ill-informed bill based, not out of fact, but out of a fear and resentment for our transgender community.

It's important to emphasize that "sex transitioning procedures on minors" are vanishingly rare. Section VI of the World Professional Association on Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care lays out the treatment process for transgender minors ( .

The majority of this treatment is therapy and social support. Medical interventions in youths are typically restricted to puberty suppressing medication of the same kind used to address early periods, growth plate disorders and other puberty-related conditions.

While hormone therapy is an option for minors, the standards of care state that hormone therapy can only occur in two cases:

  • The minor is no longer a minor and still maintains a transgender identity.

  • The minor has reached the age of medical consent for the state in which they live and have been on puberty blockers in conjunction with therapy for a minimum of 4 years to determine persistence in identity.

Of note is the lack of any framework by which minors can receive surgery. While the standards of care do have a provision saying some FTM (female-to-male) clients may be eligible for top surgery (double mastectomy, typically done in conjunction with a nipple graft) after several years of treatment, this is mentioned as a side note and not as an official WPATH recommendation. By and large, gender reaffirming surgery does not happen to minors in the US.

However, transgender minors do exist in the US. The Trevor Project has found that roughly 2% of youths identify as transgender. (

A project conducted by the CDC found that transgender youth report feelings of isolation, hopelessness and depression due to a lack of social acceptance and appropriate education around transgender identity and health. (

Many transgender Americans report that they have to educate their doctors on what being transgender means and how to treat them, and face discrimination in the medical and legal systems (

Moreover, HB132 comes with the precedence of other states who have attempted similar restrictions. For example, the Oklahoma legislature has now proposed "the millstone act," which would bar medicial intervention in transgender people up to 26 years old, well into the age of majority. These bills ultimately come from a misunderstanding of the transgender population and a fear of transgender people, relying on a kind of boogeyman of transgender activists trying to "recruit" children, similar to how "the gay agenda" was portrayed in the 2000s.

We believe that Utah deserves better and can do better than a bill based more in fear and prejudice than in actual facts and medical procedures, and urge our elected officials to strike down this bill.

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Adrian Comollo
Adrian Comollo
Jan 13, 2023

Not an expert, but from what I can understand to hope that by changing sex brings mental health is a phantasy. The problem in transgender people is lack of self esteem it seems to me, and the best cure is to develop mental potential as much as possible, through education, artistic engagement and self-help. Mental achievements are much more reliable and productive than simply try to change physical body/sex. It is like with overweight overeaters, it does not help to reduce the stomach most of the times, the essential is to change mind...


Jan 10, 2023

My transgender son Tyler [birth name Sophia] took his own life on November 18, 2022. His mother Yelena [my ex] never accepted Tyler. Even worse, she treated him like a stranger’s child and crushed him emotionally and mentally – for years. A journal entry written by Tyler states:

I came out as transgender to my parents. My dad supports me…my mom does not (>-<)

Tyler died just 18 years and 37 days from the day he was born.

The ex is already erasing ALL traces of Tyler and replacing them with Sophia.

She bullied him into suicide. She got what she wanted. Now she’s free to erase his memory.

How can we prevent this from happening?


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